Hearing Diagnostics & Tympanometry

We at EarMed provide a comprehensive hearing assessment for both adults and paediatrics.

Although performing a hearing assessment on an adult may seem easy, it requires a lot of knowledge and experience to obtain an accurate result. At EarMed, our highly trained and professional Audiologist or personnel starts the session by taking a patient history. A series of questions will be asked to determine the background of the patient.

We then, usher the patient into a sound booth. Upon placement of the headphones, the patient is introduced with a series of tones and is expected to press a button each time a sound is heard, which is a pure tone signal (or sometimes a warble tone). A diagnostic PTA test assesses two sound pathways, the Air Conduction and the Bone Conduction. Results are plotted in an audiogram and then explained to the patient.

Often time the doctor that refers to us also requests for a Tympanometry test, which is sometimes called Middle Ear Function Test. This test is quite essential to diagnose the middle ear pathology. During the test, a probe is inserted into the ear and the device releases an air pressure. The air pressure hits the ear drum and produces a measurement. It measures the movement of the tympanic membrane in response to changes in pressure. The movement is plotted in specific graphs known as Tympanograms and the results compared to the norms.

Infant and Paediatric
In many developing countries, it’s a must for an infant to undergo a hearing screening before being discharge from the hospital. Since most government and private hospital lacks in funding, this test is normally overlooked. At EarMed, we our offering this service for an infant as early as 2 days old.

Studies has showed that early identification and intervention can prevent severe psychosocial,educational, and linguistic repercussions. Studies has also showed that Infants who are not identified for hearing loss before 6 months of age have delays in speech and language development. Intervention at or before 6 months of age allows a child with impaired hearing to develop normal speech and language, alongside his or her hearing peers thus not lacking behind in their normal development.

Book an appointment with us to find out on what we can do for you or your precious child.